Top 3 Reasons To Sell Now

Published 03/05/2015

Spring is the time when the real estate market explodes.  People want to complete their moves before their children go back to school in the fall.  The problem? That's when your competition lists their homes.  How will your house ever stand out from the 3 other homes on your street going on the market? Now is the time to take action. Why?

  1. Fewer tire kickers are out in the winter.  Serious buyers will still be looking, and there will be slim pickings. Less inventory means buyers have to look in the "clearance aisle" for a bargain.
  2. Less loan backlogs. The lending institutions have smaller piles on their desks at this time of year.  The path from P&S Agreement to closing is much smoother.
  3. Interest rates are still quite low. It's uncertain how long that will be the case.  If you are thinking of selling and purchasing another home, you will get more bang for your buck if you act now. Take advantage of it while you can.

Whatever your reason is to sell your home, the key is to make YOUR house more attractive to a buyer.  If you are ahead of the time curve, you have a better chance of standing out in a smaller crowd.